Unity has recently updated their Publisher Polices. And in particular, one policy effects the content of the websites for the publishers. No, not a policy about the publishers website hosting objectionable content. Instead, they are more concerned with the REAL problems. Things like how often the publisher updates articles on their personal website.
They should really be commended for trying to rid the internet of the scourge that's to busy working on their projects to update, or the people who don't update often due to the return on time investment for their projects not warranting going the extra mile to let the 0.001% of people who click through the links to check the publishers site, what they have been up to.
I'm sad to say... I too am one of these heinous people. But no more! Today I vow to post an update every 6 months with something new...
wait... whats that?
I have to post 3 examples of recent work every 6 months?
Even better!
Prepare to be in awe of this amazing content! I call this project... umm... lets see...
Yuberstantion... no... Chazwelder... no... Cronblaztic... no...Harrrrplooge... no... Nibblestitz? Frezlogger?
Hmm. Maybe I'll think of a title later. For now, I'll just give it a code name. Like... hmm... what do people useually do for codenames? Simple food names? Maybe something based off historical figures, events, myths, etc? Like Kit-Kat, Morpheus, etc.
How about...
*Looks around the room.
Empty Soda Can?
Yea! Project: Empty Soda Can!
I'll talk about the goals of this project later. For now, enjoy this recent work of mine on the project!
Recent Example #1:
We all know what a default white cube looks like in Unity, right?

But did you know that you can change it to a different color? OMG! Right? That's insane!
*Pauses to wait for reader to catch their breath.
Are you good now? Ok. I'll proceed.
Well, after hours. No, days. No, weeks of work... I finally bring to you...
The "Red Cube"!

Yes, that's right. Red!
With this new red cube, everything changes!
*Mind blown.
Recent Example #2:
Example #1 is art. But I'm a programmer. It's time to showcase my REAL skills here.
Have you ever heard of "Hello World!"?
Well here's what it looks like in Unity.

Now, brace yourself. I'm about to go all "Next level" on you.

*Drops mic.
*Walks away.
*Thinks for a second.
*Walks back.
*Picks up mic.
I almost forgot. "How is this scripting you may ask?"
Well, I'm glad you asked.
Normally I wouldn't do this, but I'm going to post a snippet of how I achieved this miracle of coding.

There's a couple more steps. But I'll keep those secret.
*Looks around for the mic so he can drop it again, but can't find it.
Recent Example #3:
We had Art, Then Scripting. What else could be left?
Lets return to our Cube.... sorry, I mean our RED CUBE from Example #1.
"No! Don't do anything to the cube! It's so pretty already! You can't possibly improve upon it any more!" some may say?
Well, here... we don't play it safe.
Simply "Amazing" is not good enough. We have to stack "Amazing" on top of "Amazing". Get ready for an Amazing sandwich. No, not a typical sandwich, just made really well! Follow along here! I mean, a slice of "Amazing" between 2 other slices of "Amazing".
I bring you...
A Red Cube that... moves right.

Yea. I know.
I think we all need to lie down for a bit. This was overload...
Check back later to see how this project progresses. When? I don't know? 6 months? Just a random number I pulled out of my head...
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